The LIFE VIABLE project
Valorization of lignin bIomass into competitive components grAdually replacing BPA in the formuLation of Epoxy resins
BPA Bisphenol A (BPA) is a commodity chemical produced world-wide in a large volume every year. It is used in the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonates. However, its endocrine disrupting properties and its fossil-based composition raise concerns about its environmental impact and health toxicity as well as its sustainability.
The LIFE VIABLE project therefore aims to improve the sustainability and the environmental impact of epoxy resins manufacture by lowering the BPA content in the formulation of epoxy resins by 20 to 50%.
News - In the spotlight
Project Partners

VITO (BE) - Flemish Institute for Technological Research, a leading EU research and technology organisation will coordinate the project. Through their pilot plant, VITO will ensure the depolymerisation of lignin, the fractionation and the supply of biobased alternatives for BPA to Solvay.

APESA (FR) - a technological centre specialised in environmental assessment - will be in charge of monitoring the different impacts of the project.

CIMV (FR) - a SME with more than 20 years of experience in lignin valorisation - will provide its expertise in lignin reactivity and will produce organosolv lignin.

HP composites (IT)- a manufacturer of composites components for several markets - will integrate the new epoxy resins in composites for both aesthetic and structural car parts. Their role in the project will range from design to final homologation of the car components

Dissemination and valorization of the results will be performed by Polymeris (FR), a cluster with a large EU network in the field of polymers and composites for various industrial sectors.

SOLVAY (UK) - a global manufacturer of materials and chemicals is a key producer of epoxy resins in Europe - will produce in operational environment the lignin-based epoxy resins.

CRF (IT) - a research and innovation centre of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles - will demonstrate the feasibility of these car components
Westlake Epoxy (NL) - production and marketing of epoxy resins for more than 50 years. Will manage the upscale of the epoxy resin production within the project